Time Capsule
Fabrication of over 3000 unique pcs
This SUTD 10X Time Capsule Pavilion was designed by Prof Carlos Banon and Felix Raspall from the Singapore University of Technology and Design. We were tasked to process and fabricate such pieces in a very short time. Each of these pieces are uniquely shaped and contain a code to represent its location on the grid as shown on the left. The pieces are fabricated in batches as sorted in boxes for dispatch.

To fabricate such monstrous amount of tiles, we deploy over 40 3D printers during the peak and were printing at 3 cycles per day per machine. In order to not mix up the print jobs or duplicate in the printing process, each printer was tagged with a sheet of print jobs that it needed to complete.
The tiles were left to print and harvested in batches. The printed tiles were then transferred into large piles before manually sorted shown in the gif image above. Despite being rushed project, it was very fruitful as this project had shown the proofed the viability of large scale 3D printing for interior spaces.

